
“If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou

Spiritual development and shifts in your level of consciousness 
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Spiritual development and shifts in your level of consciousness 

If you are on a path of spiritual development and / or are a lightbearer with a soul mission - experiencing shifts in your consciousness will most likely be part of the process.  This experience isn’t always comfortable or easy as it is happening and for different reasons; however it is a necessary part of our growth and evolution. 

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How you and your children can connect to the magic of the unseen world  
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

How you and your children can connect to the magic of the unseen world  

The world of the unseen, angels, spirit guides, goddesses, fairies, is living side-by-side with us day to day. It is simply another level of reality that we can connect to through our intuitive sensitivity.

In this article we will explore…

  • Connecting with guides

  • Connection with beings in the natural world

  • Energy and consciousness of nature

  • Monsters in the bedroom

  • Great Mother

  • Channelling

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Just the Story of my Intuitive Journey
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Just the Story of my Intuitive Journey

I was reflecting on how to consciously train this mysterious skill of intuition and in doing so I began reflecting on my own journey. The inner nudge was then to share my journey to date, to help inspire and encourage you with the exploration of your own 6th sense.

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Six ways to get a clearer sense of your intuitive voice 
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Six ways to get a clearer sense of your intuitive voice 

So how do we get a clearer sense of our intuitive voice? How can we begin to hear it more clearly in our day to day lives? What is going to help us to nurture that knowing voice within us? Well these are some of the answers I have discovered from my own experience…

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Ways to communicate with your Spirit Guides for support to discover your Soul Mission
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Ways to communicate with your Spirit Guides for support to discover your Soul Mission

Our spirit guides are always with us, even if we're not aware of it consciously. They are eager to make contact with us and communicate, to help guide us in life - but most people will never acknowledge them, or be aware of them, let alone listen, and communicate with them. This is where some of these tools can help you connect with your spirit guides to help you in life or with your Calling.

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Intuitive signs or messages that help guide you on your Soul Mission 
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Intuitive signs or messages that help guide you on your Soul Mission 

Beginning to learn to live, intuitively, is a big part of uncovering your Soul Mission as a Light-bearer in the world.  Partly to receive intuitive messages from the universe which can help to guide you on your journey of discovery.  But how do we receive that information or message?  Well, here are a number of signs that you can receive along the way, which may serve as a warning or encouragement, or lead you to information you need…

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Intuitive tools to help you receive information and guidance on your Soul Mission journey
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Intuitive tools to help you receive information and guidance on your Soul Mission journey

Using intuitive guidance tools can be useful in helping you contact your Intuitive Intelligence and Soul Messages in support of your journey to uncover your Soul Mission, as a Lightbearer. Whether you are using them on a day-to-day basis, or occasionally. When we are trying to uncover our Soul Mission and remember our purpose, these intuitive tools can be like a compass to help us figure out the next step and identify which direction to follow. The more we use them, the more times we have success with them, and the more confident and trusting we can become in the information coming through (this is as well as listening to our intuitive hints or nudges). These tools can give us faith to live in a more and more intuitive flow - as we learn that they can lead to rich fulfilling experiences. These are some of the tools I have used or still use which may support you

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How it Feels to Start Awakening to your Soul Mission
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

How it Feels to Start Awakening to your Soul Mission

Many of us have come to earth as ‘light bearers’ in the world with a mission to support the evolution of human consciousness at this time. You are a soul with a mission and have a role to play, be that great or ‘small’. However as you transition into a new body, you forget on a conscious level all what has gone before… but the soul remembers.

Yet there comes a time when we begin to ‘wake up’, our soul and our guides begin to remind us - you came here with a purpose. The torch of your Calling activates and burns brightly - it becomes hard to ignore. So what does this awakening to our Calling (soul mission) feel like?

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5 Intuitive Superpowers of highly sensitive people
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

5 Intuitive Superpowers of highly sensitive people

I believe that we are all blessed with intuition, however for highly sensitive people (HSP’s) our natural heightened sensitivity can make our intuition a superpower which we can use in all aspects of our life and may even form the basis of our career - if we choose to train it. When we do, these are 5 intuitive superpowers you can develop…

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Four different ways of Intuitive Channelling for HSP’s
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Four different ways of Intuitive Channelling for HSP’s

Now if you're highly sensitive, the chances are you could be a natural channel and we can channel all sorts of things which we will explore in this article - ideas, inspiration, healing, creativity, magic, destiny. This can be on many levels and thereby ‘serving as a medium’ for humankind's greater development - in small and great ways.

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The importance of rewilding for Highly Sensitive Women and what the Fierce Feminine has to teach us 
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

The importance of rewilding for Highly Sensitive Women and what the Fierce Feminine has to teach us 

For Highly Sensitive women, the fierce feminine can be an important ally for change and rebalance when it comes to our boundaries as well as seeing ourselves clearly. Rewilding and listening to the fierce energy within can empower us to be clear, honest and create greater freedom within and without. It is an act of rebalancing, often for over giving, people pleasing, peace making HSP’s. When we can integrate the force of this energy bit by bit, one decision or relationship at a time, it can feel a lot less intimidating. Until at some point you feel at ease with this aspect of yourself.

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Five Reasons why your intuitive sensitivity as an Empath increases your overwhelm
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Five Reasons why your intuitive sensitivity as an Empath increases your overwhelm

One of the gifts of being highly sensitive is your ability to easily sense subtle energy and information in the world around you - which you may be completely unaware of right now, just like I was 12 years ago. However this intuitive sensitivity can contribute to why highly sensitive people feel anxious and overwhelmed. But why? Well read on…

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Eight Significant life decisions I made because I knew I was highly sensitive
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Eight Significant life decisions I made because I knew I was highly sensitive

Coming to the realisation that you are highly sensitive can be an empowering discovery because you can start to make adjustments in your life to support your needs as a sensitive person rather than deplete you; as well as starting to use your gifts to serve you and others.

Some of those life choices may be more significant than others or take longer to implement. I thought I would share some of the personal life decisions I made due to my highly sensitive nature. I hope it might help you reflect on your life too and changes that might be available to you.

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