Four different ways of Intuitive Channelling for HSP’s
When you hear the word channelling, do you think of a seance, or of someone going into trance looking a little zombie-like with their eyes rolled up towards the back of their head? Well if you do then you're not alone because that's what I used to think. But you might be surprised to know that channelling or trance channelling is actually a very natural state for human beings to enter.
I remember during my hypnosis training discovering that trance - which is foundational to channeling, is in fact, not a rare phenomenon at all, but in fact a natural state which we enter into frequently as human beings throughout the day. For example, you get into an elevator, you press the button to go to the top, you ‘zone out’ and by the time you arrive at the floor it’s almost a surprise as the time just evaporated and you don’t remember the journey… Ever experienced that? Well you went into a trance.
Anytime you ‘zone out’; watching your child at the swings, sitting on the bus, doing a craft, in a group chat you’re not interested in, or at that beauty appointment etc, you are entering a natural state of trance. I do it when I work with clients - I naturally ‘switch gear’ into ‘alpha state’ of consciousness - with no dancing for me, no candles, no waving of hands, I just take a moment to attune and align and then I’m in a state where I can channel healing whilst talking to you (which took a little practice and trust).
Now if you're highly sensitive, the chances are you could be a natural channel and we can channel all sorts of things which we will explore in this article - ideas, inspiration, healing, creativity, magic, destiny. This can be on many levels and thereby ‘serving as a medium’ for humankind's greater development - in small and great ways. Sounds too grand? Well, just think of the seemingly mundane acts of kindness you have received that were life changing for you? You can do the same for others in your own way, be that pebble that drops onto the still water, your gentle ripples can be far reaching, so can your abilities and gifts. So what exactly could you be channeling or become a channel for? Well let's explore some of those...
Creative conduit
“What we do need is to have the intention to allow creativity to create through us. When we open ourselves to something or someone greater than ourselves working through us, we paradoxically open ourselves to our own greatest selve”
You need not be Michelangelo to be a creative channel. In fact, the nature of being human is a creative act if you think about it - we create our whole world, our work, our relationships, our thought patterns, our habits etc, we endlessly create from the moment we are born as life moves through us. But being a creative channel often means having an urge like an itch that needs to be scratched to express some part of you that might be wordless through a creative practice like movement, or to allow colour to pour out of you, to playfully express on state, to manifest externally the tune that keeps circling your mind….
Being a channel for creativity often can be an act of expression to prevent the feeling of madness (!), but release the internal pressure building due to the ideas, colours or words that are flowing through you - to give them life so you can live. For example, if I haven't written for two or three days I start to feel restless, uncomfortable, disjointed and it's ‘crazy making’. I write, then I feel clear again, I feel better. Something needs to work its way through me.
Being a channel for creativity, can take many forms, photography, printmaking, sewing, knitting, illustration, sculpture, the written word etc. You may be too shy to claim the word artist, but you may know yourself to be creative. To be a creative channel is to stir and move the soul of others: bring joy, enjoyment or entertainment, elicit reflection or to question, to share ideas, to ease grief and heartache, create connection and understanding. The possibilities are many. It also helps you to process your own emotions, thoughts and life. To be a creative channel is to say yes and open the door to creative flow within us, to see where it carries us today.
Channel for healing energy
“Energy work is priceless. It makes every day extraordinary and transforms the mundane to the holy”
As a highly sensitive person, you are aware of, as well as attuned to and care about the needs of others, be that humans, animals or nature. This care, awareness and sensitivity can make you a natural healer. Healing comes in many forms - as do the healers, doctors, nurses, crystal healers, massage therapists, herbalists, energy medicine practitioners, reiki etc. The form healing takes for us if we become practitioners can be largely based on both our skills, training, as well as our personal interests.
What I remember from the Master Practitioners I have learnt from is their suggestion ‘to get out of the way’. The more they learn to get out the way, and allow the healing to come through them the more powerful their practice becomes. As a novice, I remember finding this very hard to swallow as my confidence and experience were low. But now I see the wisdom in it. As healers, in whatever form, when our smaller selves can step aside and allow a healing power to flow through us (whether that is the suggestion of healing herbs, or knowing just where to place your hands, or knowing just the right words to say to soothe) then the impact can be more powerful.
As a highly sensitive person You're sensitive, nature makes you a natural for picking up on subtle information about humans, animals and plants as well. Many sensitives thrive as healers, and can find this is a calling for them, as their skills and abilities blossom in the spaces. Their sensitivity is no longer a hindrance, but in fact, an incredible gift for the healing of others. It can also transform our worlds as well, as we enter the subtle realms and the mundane becomes magical.
Intermediary for ideas
“The Alchemist is the idea generator, dreamer of possibilities… They have so many ideas - incredible, revolutionary ideas.”
Have you ever considered you might be a channel for ideas and inspiration? Money coach Denise Dunfield-Thomas calls it being an Alchemist. You might be a sharer of ideas, inspirations, naturally networking by placing the ‘right’ people together at the right time.
You might, without knowing it, be the telepathic conduit for angel voices speaking through you to help others in their development. Pointing them in the right direction; suggesting books for them to read, or areas of study to explore, or a teacher to listen to, or you share information on the workshop they end up loving, or share a hunch that they need to speak to a certain friend about a problem but you don’t know why and this gives them exactly what they need, or you suggest a place they should visit that ends up bringing them great joy and inspiration etc.
You may be an intermediary for ideas and inspiration. You might also be a carrier of knowledge and insight, able to see what people need in that moment speaking from a place of deep knowing. It may even be part of your calling to hold a space, for others, one of creative possibility, ideas, inspirations, a new direction for them with your intuitive wisdom, you may teach them knowledge on certain subjects. In the words of Elizabeth Gilbert “Ideas are driven by a single impulse: to be made manifest.” Maybe you are a mouthpiece for those ideas as you are highly sensitive to that flow of inspiration - even if you don’t deliver them all yourself.
Collective practice channelling higher consciousness
One way of channelling is to be part of a collective group working or studying together for the greater good or compassionate acts. When we move out of self orientation into selfless action, stepping out of a small sense of self we can become a channel for universal compassion. Buddhists would call this a suprapersonal force, a non-egoic energy that has the potential to work through us. The Taoists name it as the Tao. Christians might say the Holy Spirit was working through them. The Lokata calls this presence the Great Spirit. You might call it Universal mind or Divine Consciousness.
In my humble view, these different names are pointing to this energy of compassionate wisdom that can channel through us. When we come together, the power of collective consciousness and the shared intention of compassionate action, in whatever form it takes, allows ‘something greater than little us’ to move through us. In doing so, it can give rise to our own ‘awakened mind’ of our ‘highest self’. So that we begin to see through the eyes of kindness and act from a place of wisdom.
We can channel a new way of being in the world, that of a most evolved self, when around the positive influence of others practicing virtuous qualities in whatever form this takes for you - whether this is raising funds together as a group on a charity project, or in a mosque saying prayers for others, or as a community trying to save a woodland, there is a power in collective practice that can channel through each individual that elevates us and as a highly sensitive person you are likely to feel it arise.
Of course, this ability to channel can traverse all these areas, each of them may resonate with you, but one may feel more of a natural fit to you than others, or you may be aware of another way that you channel that isn't listed here. As spiritual beings, having a human existence when we open to expansive awareness and intuition as highly sensitive people the world really can start to feel miraculous.
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