“If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou
How to cope in the world as a Highly Sensitive Person
Being a highly sensitive person (HSP) in today’s fast-paced and often overwhelming world can be challenging. Over the years, I've learnt that it's crucial to establish boundaries, understand my needs, and create a supportive environment. Here’s how I manage to navigate the world as an HSP.
Needs and boundaries
Rest and digest
Know your key needs
Why society needs us to live intuitively
Living intuitively isn't just about improving our own lives it's about elevating the world around us. These are the reasons why society needs us to live intuitively...
New ways of living
Soul mission and collective consciousness shift
Living our gifts
Different reality
Spiritual beings
Why you lack confidence in your intuitive intelligence and how to grow it
What I see over and over again with clients and students repeatedly at the beginning of developing their intuitive skills, is not a lack of intuitive ability, but a lack of confidence in it. If this sounds like you, here's what might be blocking your path to increasing your intuitive awareness:
Over-riding it with logic
Willingness to be different
Don’t trust yourself
Intuitive decisions went wrong before
Fear psychic abilities and blocks
Four Myths about Highly Sensitive People
Here are some of the myths you may have come to believe about yourself as a highly sensitive person...
- You’re too sensitive
- Struggle to be successful
- You’re kind and understanding
- You attract narcissists and energy vampires
...and here's why they’re not true…
Spiritual development and shifts in your level of consciousness
If you are on a path of spiritual development and / or are a lightbearer with a soul mission - experiencing shifts in your consciousness will most likely be part of the process. This experience isn’t always comfortable or easy as it is happening and for different reasons; however it is a necessary part of our growth and evolution.
How to quit being a social perfectionist and create healthy boundaries as a Highly Sensitive Person
Highly sensitive people (HSPs) are prone to being social perfectionists. If this is you, here are some tips on how you can work on the habit. We explore:
- Prioritise your engagement levels
- Not everyone's pain is your problem
- Stop taking on everyone's pains and problems
- Quit trying to make everyone happy
How you and your children can connect to the magic of the unseen world
The world of the unseen, angels, spirit guides, goddesses, fairies, is living side-by-side with us day to day. It is simply another level of reality that we can connect to through our intuitive sensitivity.
In this article we will explore…
Connecting with guides
Connection with beings in the natural world
Energy and consciousness of nature
Monsters in the bedroom
Great Mother
Client Journey - Claire
The first one is really being heard on an esoteric level and not just the logical mind, my whole being is really being heard. Sensing your guides, feeling their presence and being able to name that. Being able to feel them doing the work, after the sessions as well, is powerful.
Soul Purpose: Is every Soul a lightbearer with a ‘Soul Mission’?
Ever wondered if you have a soul mission? Something you are meant to be doing? Well different philosophies and religions will take different views on that - however I won’t go down that track just now...
What is a lightbearer with a Soul Mission?
Lightbearers have come to earth with a soul mission to help humanity - you have been seeded with a job to do. To be of service in your unique way, be that humble or ambitious, to support the paradigm shift of the collective consciousness that is happening on the earth right now. You have made a soul agreement. Not every soul is a lightbearer.
Lightbearers bring light wisdom, love, hope and transformation during this time of change and crisis. Some of you are souls from different star systems - an inter-planetary soul, some are angel souls, some are earth based souls, but we are all spiritual beings having a human experience here to help and support humanity at this time. The torch of your Calling is lit, it is time to look for and follow the light.
What does it mean to live in ‘Intuitive flow’
In my mid twenties I made a conscious commitment to try to live in ‘intuitive flow’. Part of this for me meant developing a consistent relationship with my intuitive voice, being open, listening and flowing in the direction I was sent - channelling higher direction as it were, day to day, task by task, conversation by conversation and so on.
Six Reasons why you’re Sensitive to boundaries as a Highly Sensitive Person
Developing healthy, personal boundaries can be a real struggle for highly sensitive people, this is due to our sensitivity to the feelings, needs and boundaries of others. Here’s the area’s we cover…
Knowing how others feel
Highly Aware
Sensitive to the group dynamic
Pain of conflict
Unverbalised requests
Caregiver who was unpredictable
Why you need to ‘come out’ as a Highly Sensitive Person
It's not uncommon for me to find myself encouraging clients to ‘come out’ to friends, family and colleagues as being highly sensitive. There are many positive reasons why I suggest this…
1 Acceptance of self
2. Change the way we live and work
3 Change our relationships
4 Focus of the gifts
5 The caveat to coming out
Begin at the beginning - How to ignite your Soul Mission
So how do you know you are a Light bearer with a Soul Mission? What are the signs? What is it we are a part of exactly? How do we not despair, and ensure events don't get in the way of this mission? These are the subjects channelled from Archangel Michael, Gabriel, and Nathanial today.
Just the Story of my Intuitive Journey
I was reflecting on how to consciously train this mysterious skill of intuition and in doing so I began reflecting on my own journey. The inner nudge was then to share my journey to date, to help inspire and encourage you with the exploration of your own 6th sense.
Aimée Henderson: Reflections of a Sensitive-Intuitive following her Calling
Aimée is a shining example of what can happen when we allow our sensitivity to lead (thereby becoming a strength) together with what can emerge when we start to develop our intuitive abilities and letting them flourish. She has become a visionary artistic channel who is following her calling, you can find her work here: Here’s what she had to say about her journey and opening up to her sensitivity and intuitive abilities.
Six Reasons you might struggle to develop your intuition
So why might we struggle to develop our intuitive skills? We all have intuitive ability, but why is it seemingly easier for some than others to tune into this? From my own experience, here are some of the reasons.
Strengths of Highly Sensitive People
There are lots of wonderful strengths to being a highly sensitive person and sometimes we need reminding what they are…
Rich inner life
Hard won wisdom
Taking alternative paths
Need for deep sense of purpose
Connection to the subtle realms
Social connection
Understanding and empathy
Read more…
The Greater Mission for Souls with a Calling
So how do you know you are a Light bearer with a Soul Mission? What are the signs? What is it we are a part of exactly? How do we not despair, and ensure events don't get in the way of this mission? These are the subjects channelled from Archangel Michael, Gabriel, and Nathanial today.
How to develop and apply daily intuitive intelligence to business as a soulful entrepreneur
“Listen to your heart and intuition, somehow they already know who you are to become” — Steve jobs
I believe the missing ingredient to creating flow, ease and greater fulfilment as well as soulful success in life, including business, is developing our intuitive intelligence which we can do with training. We need to lessen our fixation with the conscious intellect and begin to listen to, trust and validate our intuitive voice which continually guides us - in all matters.
Louise - Client Journey
Louise is a professor (name changed for privacy) who came to me for support with developing her relationship with her intuition as she wanted to live more intuitively. Our work together has been a blend of Intuitive Healing to begin with, which has then evolved into Soul Mission support and Intuitive mentoring.