Why society needs us to live intuitively

Why society needs us to live intuitively

Living intuitively isn't just about improving our own lives it's about elevating the world around us.  These are the reasons why society needs us to live intuitively... 

New ways of living 

There's no escaping the realities of climate change.  The situation is going to require that we adapt.  Hopefully it will also push us to create even more technologies to do so, an example of us being able to achieve this is a need for inventors and visionaries to imagine the new possibilities.  To do this, we need to use our intuition, for in the words of Nikola Tesla. 

Instinct is something which transcends knowledge. We have, undoubtedly, certain finer fibers that enable us to perceive truths when logical deduction, or any other wilful effort of the brain is futile” 

Innovating and creating new approaches to living are not just for the echelons of inventors.  Us ‘ordinary’ folk will need this skill as we adapt.  To know which technologies or ways of living to adopt, which ideas or communities to support.  Our intuition will be a skill that enables us to come up with new ideas or approaches to problems we face on every level, it will be invaluable.  

Soul mission and collective consciousness shift 

If you're into anything alternative, it will have been hard to miss the concept that we are experiencing a shift in collective consciousness, currently with the new age of Aquarius.  I have to say as a sceptic, it was something I was unconvinced about!  Until I started receiving messages myself, relating to the soul mission work, repeating the same idea.    

If you are an individual who has come here with a soul mission, you are here to help raise the level of collective consciousness which is helping society to evolve.  You have lessons to teach, ideas and skills to share, healing to impart and so on.  The roles are numerous

To realise our soul mission, our intuition IS the key as it directs and guides us on our path to discover the mission we came with.  Our intuition connects us to our higher self for guidance as well as our spirit guides for support or direction. Our intuition is the inner compass that takes us through the stages of development as a lightbearer and into our highest potential.  Our intuition helps to change us and thus the world around us. 

Living our gifts 

When we begin to live intuitively, what we're really doing is living authentically.  Instead of doing what we think we ‘should do’, who we ‘should be’ we listen to who we really are, what we are really interested in.  We are then able to lean into our true talents rather than denying them or cutting them off, we begin to take risks. That’s when our true gifts can start to unfold, be developed and be realised.  That’s when we can fulfil our potential - which benefits not just ourselves but those around us.

I can think of numerous examples of this, from Intuitive Mentoring and Soul Mission clients, of people who nearly either never shared their gifts AT ALL or could have not realised the highest potential of what they had to offer as they didn’t want to step out of the traditional modality they were trained in or weren’t listening to their intuition to follow their natural interests and niche, and so on. 

An example of this is a visionary painter, who I work with.  When we first began working together, she had basically given up painting.  Now she is realising her potential as a visionary artist and channel, who is creating work which is healing.  Just recently she created immersive large-scale work, which when people saw it, some burst into tears, others clearly moved yet speechless would simply hug her and some would suddenly tell her their life stories or how much the paintings meant to her.  

Her work is powerful, is transmitting a message to people and is affecting the world in a positive way.  However it nearly never happened, as she had to agree to embark on a healing journey first to get there, to be able to have the confidence to paint again which took great courage.  This is where our intuition guides us, to the right healers, mentors, friendships, training and so on, to help us, so we can then help the world.

Different reality 

When we live from a place of intuitive awareness we can discover that the world around us opens up on a new level.  Our connection with nature can deepen further, we might be able to feel the energy of plants or rocks, it may feel as though the trees are even talking to us.  In some spiritual traditions this is just a fact - that nature has consciousness too and we can connect and communicate directly with it.  This is known as animism. When we begin to do this, we can start to make decisions inline with the needs of the natural world, as it is our ally and sustains us.  

As we open up to the more subtle realms in this way, we may begin to encounter other beings too - spirit guides, fairies, angels and so on.  We can connect to the natural magic of the universe. Personally, I think one of the reasons we have seen the Marvel films and Harry Potter franchise take off so successfully is not due to a desire so much for escapism but because it represents this magic that we all ‘feel’ exists and connects us to it on some level. 

For example, in Tibetan Buddhist tradition books such as ‘Way of the White Clouds’ or ‘Magic and Mystery in Tibet’ there have been stories of mystics who fly across the sky or leave footprints in rocks when they walk.  Seemingly superhuman feats or miracles.  However to a self realised being, reality and the material world is not what it seems. 

We are seeing this shift in perception of reality and a belief in quantum reality gaining more ground, becoming more well known.  The new science which Dr Joe Dispenza, Lynn Mctaggart and many others teach, are proving the powers of the mind to create seeming miracles and significant transformations for health, relationships and lifestyles.  Examples of ‘common people doing the uncommon’ as Dr Joe Dispenza says happens, when we start to live from a quantum view of reality.  These ideas and practices open up new positive possibilities and can relieve suffering when we learn to access new levels of consciousness, as we do when we work with our intuitive awareness. 

Spiritual beings 

The beauty of living intuitively is that we are gradually embodying more and more the voice of a Higher Self.  As our ‘little self’ or ‘egoic self’ has to step out of the way, to allow us to live in intuitive flow.  When we live like this society benefits, because we have a less limited view of what are possibilities for not only ourselves, but others including society itself. We can start to live a greater vision of humanity.  This is what activists such as Martin Lurther King Jr and Gandhi did for society - they were visionaries and acted ‘as if’ the future potential was possible, walking towards it. 

Our purpose may not be to create great social movements like them (!) however the voice of our higher self may have a more humble yet still important vision for us to fulfil.  The beauty is that when we live more intuitively, we lean into that voice to be guided to our higher good which requires faith and trust.  As our intuitive intelligence guides us, we learn to let go and trust, we can experience less self clinging and more spaciousness.  

From this we can begin to experience a greater sense of openness to others and an experience of our interdependence.  At the heart of what drives us, is a desire to experience deeper states of love and acceptance.  Our intuition is guiding us towards this deeper connection with ourselves, others and the universe.  Guiding us ultimately to listen more and more to the heart's intelligence. If we are living from this place, we are cultivating higher states of love and harmony within ourselves which ripples out into the world - which can only be a good thing for all. 

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