Five stages of the lightbearers path to their Soul mission
“Lightbearer - the bringer of light to the world”
Just like the hero's journey, as described by Joseph Campbell, the path of the lightbearer has marked stages.
However firstly let's look at what a Lightbearer is.
Purpose of a lightbearer
However firstly what is a Lightbearer? Lightbearers have come to earth with a soul mission to help humanity - you have been seeded with a job to do. To be of service in your unique way, be that humble or ambitious, to support the paradigm shift of the collective consciousness that is happening on the earth right now.
Light bearers bring the light wisdom, love, hope and transformation during this time of change and crisis. Some of you are souls from different star systems (inter-planetary souls), some are angel souls, some are earth based souls, but we are all spiritual beings having a human experience here to help and support humanity at this time. The torch of your Calling is lit, it is time to look for and follow the light.
The stages on the lightbearers path
As with any journey there are marked stages along the way. Here’s what they are…
Stage One. Awakening
You’ve probably been thinking ‘I feel I have this deeper purpose to fulfil’ for years. Now this niggling is too much to ignore, as your ‘Calling’ is being activated which you need to wake up to and remember - but you’re unsure of what that is right now! No one really seems to understand your experience.
Out of the ordinary. You’re in the world, you may have a family, you’re paying the bills, going to work, doing the supermarket shopping but another experience is opening up for you… this feeling that you have a mission to fulfill or a calling - but what that is, is unclear. Something in you is stirring or waking up, but you don’t know what to do about it and you’re not sure what is happening. You’d like some reassurance.
Desire for intuitive living. Life feels unsatisfying at times. You feel like there is a different way to be in the world, one that could feel rich, deep, connecting, where you feel guided, open to a flow of intelligence, an intuitive way of living, not just one based on logic and the material. But you don’t know how to live differently. You want to know how to live in an intuitive flow.
Intuitive hits. You may even have fledgling intuitive feelings, or out of the ordinary experiences that you can't explain - thinking what on earth do I do with this? (you might feel a bit crazy). You want to normalise what is happening to you and want support to develop your knowledge and skills. The people around you are not likely to understand. But this intuitive feeling is getting louder. You’d like to learn how to listen more clearly to your intuition.
Stage Two. Journey of discovery
You’re actively trying to navigate towards your calling but it still eludes you and it’s very much a journey. It feels like trying to track down a rare bird in the jungle, you follow the call but you are cutting through thick brush on the ground to find it.
You’ve taken a leap. You don’t know what you’re doing or where you're heading but you are listening to the signs and messages along the way, doing your best. Perhaps you’ve started leaving aspects or your life behind - you've left your job or moved house or changed friendships groups or ended a relationship…
Healing work. You are likely to be doing some healing work, learning more deeply about yourself, perhaps exploring different modalities. You are addressing your wounding and having ‘aha moments’. You’re working, consciously on your integration and mental-emotional health and wellbeing. Perhaps even exploring spiritual modalities in support of answers.
You are learning. At this point in your journey you’re likely to be studying, training, reading, making new friends, meeting new mentors, or looking for them. Alongside your healing all of this growth can be taking time and energy, on top of day to day living so although inspired you may find yourself tired at times.
Mostly you feel lost. Your faith is being stretched and tested. Some things might be dropping into place - new ideas, sudden insights, but then nothing for a while, everything feels so gradual and slow at times. But you still don’t really know what you’re doing, or where you’re heading, but you’re following ‘that’ feeling… that there’s something you’re meant to be doing.
Stage three. Actualization.
You’ve listened to the call, you’ve been walking the path and perhaps you’ve re-trained, maybe in a few skills, but the direction to take next still isn’t clear or it’s changing. It doesn’t feel like you’ve channelling your wisdom fully into the world or have completely landed in your purpose or power.
Emerging You have retrained in new sets of skills, but you are still not sure what you’re doing yet; you might even be starting to birth or expand a business. However, it is bringing up new sets of fear and a lack of experience to work with! Fearing visibility, your personal power eludes you, your confusion or lack of confidence is clouding your vision. You can feel alone, in both trying to figure out what it means to run a business and dealing with the emotional triggering that comes with it.
Self sabotaging tendencies. You’re feeling tired of your own sense of limitation, hitting emotional triggers and limiting beliefs that you’ve outgrown - you need to clear new layers or do more refined limiting beliefs and emotional wounding to keep expanding and growing. Just trying to have a ‘positive attitude’ isn’t cutting through. You sense the potential in your path opening up, yet you feel like you're getting in your own way.
Intuitive guidance and personal path. You’re struggling to find your visionary voice. Your intuitive voice can feel a bit hit and miss, you long to live with a greater sense of guidance in intuitive flow to support your development. The ‘witch wound’ may feel very real for you - so you fear the thought of ‘coming out of the intuitive closet’, you fear being seen as crazy or woo woo, illogical or ungrounded by others if you were to talk about your fledgling intuitive abilities or interests openly so you’re not accessing your gift.
Stage four. Expansion
At this stage you have a great deal of clarity and are ready to expand further as you have the foundations in place.
Mastery You have got to grips with your skills, you are moving towards mastery and you understand your subject matter deeply, now it’s time to expand your reach further, embodying your highest potential. You feel much more confident and in flow.
Community You have a strong community around you and mentors to go to. You can already look back at your journey to date, having a real sense of what you have overcome and the gifts you have realised. You have become a guide for many, sharing your wisdom and learning.
Expansion. At this stage expansion feels natural. It may still be evolving but you are in a growth and expansion stage now as you have a firm foundation. You will have a strong embodied sense of your vision. You have the clarity you have been longing for. Manifestation is coming naturally to you now. When challenges arise you have tools to fall back on to help you as well as mentors to support you.
Stage Five. Fruition
A blossoming of the potential seeded within you has happened! At this point you have a sense of completion and satisfaction, as you have truly actualised what was calling to you. You can see the fruit of your labour has landed and that niggle has relaxed, as you listened, acted, journeyed and became. At this stage you may even choose to take on a new project! However now it has a feeling of leisure to it rather than a nagging feeling pushing you as you have completed your calling.
It's natural in the earlier stages of this journey to say to ourselves, “but it's so hard!!” because it’s true! It really isn’t an easy process to go through. It is a ‘spiritual death and rebirth’ process in essence that can take years.
It can also feel like a very isolated path that feels hard to express. For me, all I could ever say was ‘I just have this feeling…’ that I should leave this career, do this training, spend time with this person, I should leave this relationship and so on yet I never had any concrete or logical reasons as to why I just ‘knew’ . I also never knew where I was heading! This is why it is so important to develop your intuitive gifts to help you in your endeavours and with those leaps.
To the world around you, it can seem illogical and like madness. Most of the time we are travelling in the dark, just listening to the whispers of the soul. Once when I channelled for a friend who was resistant to her call to write, her angels said ‘Yes it’s not easy, who said it would be? But do it anyway’.
Remember a diamond was once coal, and it was only through pressure it became a precious stone. In essence we are the same. As you overcome your challenges and wounds you will have a river of wisdom to offer others, as you step into your calling, but you have to do the journey first.
Related reading
Intuitive signs or messages that help you on your soul mission
Ways to communicate with your Guides for support to discover your Soul Mission
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