Intuitive Development Training
Foundation Level 1 - Three Day Intensive Course
Intuitive Intelligence
Connecting with your intuitive intelligence is the most valuable and life changing skill you will ever learn. Your intuition is like your inner compass, able to guide you through your most important choices - helping you expand into your greatest potential and enabling you to live an enriching, magic filled life with a nourishing sense of guidance and support from the universe.
First let me save you some time by giving you a snap shot of the offer: 3 days of intensive in person Intuitive Development Training in Norwich UK and 3 follow up zoom group mentoring sessions over 3 months together with access to a peer support whats app group £660. Get in touch if you would like to pay in instalments.
Waiting on venue to confirm the date of the Autumn 2025 delivery. Get in touch to go on the wait list!

“The training was just out of this world. It was an astounding weekend. It was so powerful and validating to talk about the unseen in a very matter-of-fact way”.
Why you are here
Struggling to connect with your intuition
Right now you’re simply asking - “How can I listen to my intuition?” “How do I live intuitively?” “How do I make intuitive decisions?” “Where do I start?”.
The problem is…
You’re not really sure what you’re doing! Your intuition feels illusive and you're not sure what to do or how to ‘do it’. You lack an ‘intuitive tool kit’ and it all feels a bit awkward or uncertain.
You find it hard to trust in your intuition when it does arise. So you’re not confident in your intuitive feelings or are ignoring the intuitive nudges or nagging feeling when they come up, doubting yourself, thinking ‘I’m just being silly’ not taking them seriously.
You’re struggling with intuitive decision making, as it's not ‘logical’ and perhaps you’re a natural thinker. Your intuition doesn’t give you a lot of detail (!), so it can feel like a total leap into the dark, which feels too daunting and you lack the confidence to do it.
The Struggle
Why its hard figuring it out alone
You’re finding it hard to nurture your intuitive skills within a society that values logic and reason. It can be hard to go against the crowd, and we can fear seeming woo woo as we try to live more intuitively.
You might be very sensitive and feel a bit fearful to open to your intuitive abilities - not knowing what you might encounter or where it might take you.
It can feel confusing, as it takes a lot of self confidence to trust what you are sensing, particularly if you are more sensitive to information about people, your environment and the subtle realms, in a way others are not so don’t notice.
You’re feeling isolated, lacking like-minded people who are trying to learn to listen to their intuition and live intuitively like you. You long for some understanding and / or mentorship to help guide you and give reassurance.
More reasons you might be struggling read here.
Me and why I help
I am Nicole and an Intuitive channel, healer and mentor. I have been on a life changing journey of listening to my intuition from my mid 20's and over the years my skills have been developed and honed with continuous training and practice.
I know I always wanted an intuitive guide and a mentor to support me along the way, as it felt very lonely at times and I felt unsure what I was doing - so I will be giving you reassurance and tools to support your development, as well as connect you to a caring community of like minded souls.
I’m dyslexic and visionary so I often share knowledge through example stories and metaphors - as I see in pictures. I take a very grounded and playful approach to normalising the unseen world and mystical or intuitive experiences. Hoping to bring magic, inspiration and guidance into everyday living.
“Finally! A space where I can truly be me. Share my empathic journey and learn about aspects of life that are usually just not talked about or taught. I have learned many techniques to help my confidence in listening to my intuition. Thank you Nicole for making normal again a whole side of life that is usually brushed under the carpet but that is very important to me and my journey”.

Why connecting to your intuitive intelligence matters
I believe learning to connect to our intuitive intelligence is the ESSENTIAL life skill we were never taught at school.
Here's why it's so important…
Your intuition can support you on a personal level and direct your decision making on all sorts of life experiences including relationships, career, finances, health, travel, leisure and so on.
It can also guide you to opportunities and learning. Helping you to gravitate towards your teachers, mentors and your tribe to uncover and develop your personal gifts and discover your most authentic self expression as well as your soul mission.
By developing our intuitive awareness and living in intuitive flow we can access our deepest soul wisdom. This will help us to gain access to ideas, solutions and knowledge that helps us overcome obstacles not only for ourselves but for our loved ones, our community and the world as we face new challenges.
Connecting to our intuition, opens up the magic in the world and our lives as we begin to live intuitively. Enhancing our spiritual connection with the universe and unseen realms, feeling supported and guided as we move through life. Helping us to live a deep, purposeful and meaningful life.

“Nicole holds a space, with love, kindness and humour. She is encouraging and supportive, so wherever you are on your journey you’ll feel part of the collective whole. Hearing other people's journeys will inspire, and can affirm your own experiences, as well as open you to possibility”.
Intuitive training
What the three day intensive course covers
Grounding techniques - to stay rooted, grounded and authentic whilst contacting subtle planes
Learning to use key simple but powerful tools and practices to access intuitive information including techniques to access intuition through the senses - tools to help you access your knowing
How we receiving information through: signs and symbols, hunches and synchronicities, intuitive hits
Learning embodied intuitive listening skills - bridging the gap between the esoteric and the everyday
Learning how to enter states of intuitive flow - so you can start to experience this new way of living, and feel connected to the universe in a deep way, together with your higher self
How to access alpha and theta states - for intuitive guidance
Learning about the importance of heart coherence and heart intelligence
Learning to cultivate mental states for intuitive channelling - to receive guidance and information
Energy ‘hygiene’ - cleansing and disconnecting from people
Clearing and creating spaces energetically - developing intuitive awareness
Intention setting with intuitive development and negative belief work - get clear on your intentions
Participating in group energetic realising of blocks to intuitive awareness - to start opening your intuitive awareness
Learning through discussion, experiential work, quiet and self reflection, energetic and meditative exercises.
Confidence building
Gaining a foundational understanding of intuition, philosophy and nature of intuition - why it matters.
Developing your confidence to use your intuition for decision making
Receiving intuitive mentoring and guidance
Asking the random woo woo questions that you don’t know who to ask! Normalise listening to intuitive guidance in your home and work life.
Meeting like minded people on the path and form new friendships
Learning as a collective and community, supporting each other's development in pair, group and small group work.
Exploring your intuitive story - realise where you have been to create the next stage of your story
Hearing the stories and questions of other students - experience the support of a kind, sensitive, curious community in the same position as you, normalising the woo woo, the unseen world and mystical or intuitive experiences.
And more
The foundation details
Intuitive Development Training
Date: Sat 11th - Mon 13th Oct 2025
Venue: Norwich UK
Investment: £660 / 600 (reduced rate for low income)
3 days of face to face training 9.30 a.m - 5.00 p.m. Actual real life, in person - contact, what a treat!
Monthly group mentoring sessions, post training - once a month, for three months. Wednesday 6 - 7.30pm online on zoom 3 x 1.30 hr. 18th Dec / 15th Jan /12th Feb.
Access to online community ‘Intuitive Development Peer Group’ for 3 months - to share inspirational links, connect and wins (this will be on fb and move to an independent platform in the new year)
Access to peer support whats app group (please note I will not be teaching and guiding in the peer groups)
Intuitive Training manual
The training is a perfect fit for…
Highly Sensitive People
So you can begin to hone your natural sensitivity to give you confidence to read people and situations. Supporting you to develop your stronger personal boundaries with intuitive listening. To hear your own voice and trust yourself.
Souls with a mission - trying to uncover and follow your calling by connecting with your guidance and living intuitively. Helping you make intuitive decisions and take the leaps to fulfill the role you came here for
Healers, counsellors, therapists
Wanting to expand their skill set, to develop your gifts and potential further. This will enable you to develop a stronger intuitive awareness to support your sessions with clients and to go deeper and work more powerfully.
Soulful entrepreneurs and change makers
wanting to enhance their decision making and planning by listening to their intuition, breaking new ground, and trail blazing new paths.
Fledgeling intuitives
You’re friends might call you a bit of a ‘witch’ already cos of your spooky sensitivity or intuitive hunches
Spiritual seekers
Learn to live intuitively, forge your own path, connect to the world on a spiritual level day to day.
This training is not for you if you are:
Currently experiencing trauma symptoms or going through an intense or traumatic process.
Working with severe mental health issues currently - psychosis, schizophrenia, dissociation or hallucinations so on.
Are hoping for lots of channelled predictions as that’s not how I work and these sessions are about your development.
If you are working as a psychic or medium - the skills covered are likely to be too basic for you.
“Working with Nicole is like a catalyst for personal development. When you hit a brick wall, she shines a light on a blind spot or something you are missing. Then you are able to continue with your personal growth and move to the next level. It's like having help getting to the next level on a computer game”
Next step - Enrol
If you are getting the ‘tingles’ and feel - ‘oh my gosh yes! This is what I need’ Here’s how you can enrol:
Email me to get on the list.
When the payment system goes live (very soon) I will message you. Then you can place your investment £660 / £600 for low wage to secure your spot.
Guarantees - full refund will be issued up to one calendar week before the event, then half rate return after that.
Note: I will not be repeating this training until towards the end of next year 2025. There will be a level 2 training happening in March for the group that goes through this weekend - if there is enough interest.
Still unsure
If you are feeling a little unsure, you don’t know me perhaps but are curious about the work, then I have these suggestions for you:
Free Intuitive living 2 hour workshop
Attend the first 2 hours of the training weekend - for free so you can get a sense of me and the training to see if it feels like a right fit for you.
If it does, stay and you can simply pay online during the break or go if you got what you needed as I want it to feel good all round. If you are certain you want to come, please don’t book this option.
Click below to learn more and register for the free 2 hr workshop (and make sure you keep your weekend open).
Learn more about intuition
If you are curious but want to learn more from me - I would encourage you to dive into my work: FREE Intuitive training - Access ‘The Library’. Watch some of my videos. Read more on intuition blogs