Six ways to get a clearer sense of your intuitive voice 


So how do we get a clearer sense of our intuitive voice? How can we begin to hear it more clearly in our day to day lives? What is going to help us to nurture that knowing voice within us? Well these are some of the answers I have discovered from my own experience…

1. Dial down the ‘internal noise’ 

The first thing I say to everyone is do the internal work.  If inside you have an internal war zone going on energetically and emotionally, it’s going to be very hard for you to get clarity on the external information you are picking up intuitively or your internal intuitive responses.  I can tell when someone has their own trauma response that they need to clear, otherwise it's incredibly difficult and very confusing to try and develop their intuition under these conditions. 

Your intuition gets MUCH clearer,  once you start to work, energetically to clear emotional, physical and mental responses from the past (not just talk therapy).  You can do this with EFT, intuitive healing or body code work are just some  examples to get you going (research subconscious healing techniques). Once you work on this then you know what is new information, rather than a rerun of an old experience that is being triggered unconsciously.

2. Know your tendencies and patterns 

I used to be a very suspicious person.  I find it incredibly hard to open up to people. I would never tell anyone how I was feeling other than my one best friend.  My trust in confiding something is very hard to earn.  Did this make everyone I meet untrustworthy? No. Did I feel suspicious of most people and not trust them?  Yes. Now that wasn't my intuition talking, that was my overactive protection from past experiences of narcissistic behaviour. 

This was a habit I had to recognise and unlearn. It wasn't until my late 20s, when I came to the Buddhist Centre, where I was in an environment that was very loving with people who were kind and caring, with no agenda, that I began to be a lot more open about my story. I began to trust people. These days I'm a completely different person. But I had to learn the difference between an unconscious habit of general mistrust, and when I received intuitive information telling me someone really wasn't to be trusted. This is where the head-heart-gut technique came in very handy. 

3. Get ready to get real 

You're never going to get in touch with your intuitive voice, if you're not willing to be honest with yourself.  It's just not going to happen.  Ultimately, your intuition is a truth teller.  It's there to support you, guide you and warn you.  But if you're not willing to hear what may be uncomfortable truths and to acknowledge them, then you are going to remain in a cycle of denial with your intuitive voice. 

Here are some truths I had to learn to swallow:  

  • The truth is not everyone has our best interest at heart, some people are damaged, manipulative and are best off not in our life.  

  • The truth is not every relationship is going to turn out the way we want it to - in 'wedding bells' - as sometimes you're just not the right fit for each other.

  • The truth: I'm not going to have a safe and secure job my whole life, I'm  not built for that, I"m  going to work on a project to project basis and keep moving on - I'm an entrepreneur at heart, I get bored, I need to accept it. 

Now, when we stop wasting our time and energy in pretending these truths aren't real, we begin to accept them and act on them. We stop wasting our time and energy then we begin living authentically.  We can start to put our energy and effort into our own personal potential by listening to our intuitive voice.  But at first, that often means getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.  Not only acknowledging what is real, and may be painful, but also in listening to the intuitive voice, and taking a leap into the unknown to follow it which takes bravery.  It can also lead to dramatic changes in our lives that we are trying to avoid, but for our deepest happiness, are necessary. 

4. Get support, find your tribe 

When you're trying to live your life differently by listening to your intuition, it can be helpful to be around others who are trying to do it too. Why? 

  • It can give greater weight to your efforts

  • You can learn from each others way of sensing

  • You can feel encouraged by each other's celebratory stories 

  • You can learn from one another

  • You can advice each on situations you’re trying to suss out intuitively

  • It can give you comfort in knowing you’re not stumbling alone 

  • You will be encouraged by their trust in you and this will help you to keep developing and so on

No, this doesn't mean hanging around the mind, body, spirit, fair with only clairvoyance for the rest of time. These are people who have spiritual leanings, who are listening to their heart, and their intuitive voice to live their lives differently. For me, I found many of them at the Buddhist Centre and during my Shiatsu training which led me to alternative healing communities.  People who are open-minded and sensitive. 

You may also have intuitive mentors from different fields, who are teachers - Who you know personally, or only through podcasts and books. Or perhaps highly intuitive friends who support you with the development of this skill. 

Many people I encounter think that I have always been able to do what I can do now.  They think that it naturally just started happening when I was a child, it didn't (I tell you this to encourage you on your journey).  The sensitivity was there, but the training has taken years to get to the level of information I can pick up now as an Intuitive Channel. So it can be useful to be around people who have  those skills so they can help you. 

5. Training and clearing

You might want to consider some level of training to support your intuitive development. For me, this began with meditation and my Shiatsu training.  For you this may be doing your Reiki level one, joining a healing intention circle or learning Qigong.  Notice what feels of interest to you, and what you're drawn to. The pathway to training this skill can look different for each of us. 

Learning about the energy body and subtle energy body can be incredibly useful, to train your skills of awareness and discernment in terms of what you are picking up intuitively.  Developing your mind body awareness is also foundational. Receiving energetic clearing or activations to support your receptivity to subtle intuitive information can also be helpful - in whatever form that takes for you. For me, personally, it's important to maintain an ongoing inner clearing process as well as a developmental one when it comes to my subtle body and mind - to nourish me and support my work. 

6. Reframe ‘failures’ as learning experiences

Try to remember that you are  developing a relationship of receptivity to your intuitive voice.  Sometimes it will speak in very subtle shifts and nudges, and other times it will be a loud gripping feeling in your gut.  But you are learning to discern what it is like for you, and learning to understand the information that's coming through.  Just like a toddler you're going to stumble and you're gonna fall before you can confidently walk.  So manage your expectations.  For most, beginning to work on your intuition, doesn't mean you're going to be a seer overnight. 

Just because you may have got it wrong, at times with what you felt was an intuitive message, doesn't mean you need to throw the whole thing out the window.  It's just part of the learning process.  Give yourself the benefit of the doubt.  Nobody gets it right, 100% of the time. I’ll give you an example from my own experience:

I remember once being so certain that some chap I was waiting for was going to come back to me and he never did (thank goodness!) I was so convinced, I told all my friends ‘I just know he will come back, I feel it’ as I hung on pointlessly. But when it all fell apart, one of them said, do you not trust your intuition now?  I said absolutely not.  However what I've now learnt is what it feels like to be blinded by desperation, to trick myself and override my intuition.  I know what it feels like not to be open to the truth. 

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