Working with Intuitive intelligence in decision making and leaping towards your calling 

intuitive intelligence

Intuition is a powerful thing, more powerful than intellect” Steve Jobs 

The thing about decision-making is that in truth we are trying to make an educated guess, making a choice based on the immediate information we have at our disposal as to the best path or course of action, without knowing the events that will unfold ahead.  We may be able to look at trends or past results, or likelihoods - which we could apply to health treatment, relationship choices or business i.e. we don’t know which industry, business, product or service thrive or collapse, or which video will go viral. 

But there is an intelligence we can tap into that knows more, that isn’t bound by 3d reality, and is able to move through space and time, as well as tune into this information and knowledge, your intuitive intelligence.  You might know it by another name - ‘the hunch’ or ‘the gut feeling’.  Many successful and highly intuitive entrepreneurs would never call themselves intuitive, they are simply following a ‘knowing’ or they ‘have a good feeling’ about an idea or just simple to jump onto the next good thing in time… You’d call them ‘lucky’. 

But this is your intuitive intelligence communicating to you and it is a gift that has so much to give if you begin to open to it, listen and give its answers value (even when you don’t have the full answer) you’re just following ‘a feeling’.

What is intuitive intelligence?

Intuitive intelligence is the voice of a higher aspect of consciousness which communicates to us in different ways, through the body, thoughts, dreams, signs and so on.  This intuitive voice has our highest good in mind, it has access to all information beyond this time and dimension (a transcendental perspective) and it is not restricted but the concept of our small egoic self.  Through this intuitive voice our higher self speaks, and our spiritual guides speak, and source or formlessness.

Intuitive flow and the leaps 

In my mid twenties I made a commitment to learn to live in ‘intuitive flow’.  This to me meant developing a consistent relationship with my intuitive voice by listening to and prioritising it’s directive. When it said now is the time to jump - I jumped. Over the years I have got use to jumping into the dark and trusting the light sensor will turn the light on.  My trust and confidence in this has grown over the years - but it was never easy.  Let me give you an example… 

It started with me leaving the arts in my 20’s.  ‘It’s time to leave this career path’ - for what I ask? ‘Just leave’.  No answers. ‘Leave the city and go home’ - to do what? I ask.  I hear nothing.  Now what?!? But nothing.  Then I felt a nudge of curiosity to start learning about Buddhism, making new friends and learning about the mind - at the same time training in Shiatsu, learning about subtle energy and consciousness.  I then end up following both paths. 

After building friendships, clients and learning my craft as a Shiatsu Practitioner the next leap came after MAT leave. ‘Leave your Shiatsu practice’ - for what?! What am I going to do?  But I love this community?  I hear no answer.  So I trust and I close the business. My husband is asking - what are you doing?  You have clients, a practice? We need money, just go get a shop job! But I ask him to trust me, (whilst we are under financial pressure!), so he reluctantly agrees. I then listen and trust the universe, then after more self healing and training, within a year I am earning 3 times as much in my new EFT practice than I was doing Shiatsu - with more energy and flexibility in my timetable that is perfect for my lifestyle…

Intuitive messages 

Sometimes the messages were clear and other times a vague notion that grew clearer over time or become more obvious as shifts happened.  But I stuck to my promise and I listened, then I lept when needed.  Our role is to leap when required and allow the evolution to follow, becoming okay with not knowing.  Being able to say, ‘I don't know yet’, but quietly following that feeling. 

As we live in a culture where we feel we need to be right or have the answers or have it all figured out, this is a brave act.  But something far greater in terms of our potential has the opportunity to arise when we don't limit ourselves by the conditions around us for the role society thinks we should assume but we have to get comfortable with the uncomfortable mystery of it all. 

Accept the ‘inconvenience’

Following your intuition and intuitive flow is not for the faint of heart - I will give you that!  But ‘fortune favours the bold’ and I decided to get ahead of the curve when it came to my higher self’s directive instead of spending years spinning out down a dead end because I didn’t want to hear the truth. An example of this is that I now realise that the therapeutic method I learnt was just a building block of my education in my craft to come and at the time I ‘just wanted it to be ‘done’. Listening to my quiet intuitive voice gently directing me somewhere else also meant that I  had to take a leap and not be in a community-team with a kind but influential director.  None of it was ‘convenient’, each time it felt like a risk. 

Let me give you another example: I have a friend who is a writer.  On a car journey, one day, I suddenly started channelling intuitive messages for her.  I asked her how her writing was getting on, as I could hear her guides prodding me, telling me to tell her to just start writing.  So I asked her if the problem was a lack of ideas.  She said oh no, I have four book ideas already outlined in my mind. However… then came the buts:  ‘But it's going to be hard work’.  ‘But my negative self-talk is too much to bear with my writing, it’s too testing’.  ‘But I'm not sure what to do first’.  ‘But I'm not sure how to get published’ and so on, perfectionism and procrastination blocking the way. 

The answer I heard in response to that was clear, which was said with a warm smile… ‘Yes, but start and do it anyway, no one said it was going to be easy’.  Four months later I tentatively got in touch and asked her if there was any movement on her writing habit for her? Turns out she had been writing 25 mins a day, each day and had hit 50,000 words - I felt very proud of her!  Following the intuitive voice means meeting the calling by putting in the hard graft which often requires pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone as we are growing, which is usually uncomfortable.  Yet it brings deep soulful satisfaction as we express our gifts, align with our way of being of service, experience a freedom of self expression which we are lucky to have liberty to experience - to feel fulfilled. 

Meeting the resistance

So why aren't we all doing it, following our intuitive voice? Well simply put, it's not the easy road and there many reasons:  

  • It requires courage, a leap of faith and risk taking which is uncomfortable

  • We can fear ‘being different’, unconventional, going against the grain 

  • We don’t want to rock the boat or to make changes

  • We don't want to listen as it means addressing your wounds and addressing problematic relationships

  • We feel tied into roles and responsibilities so feel helpless

  • We are out of touch with our intuition and don't sense any messages 

  • The intuitive message is inconvenient and does not follow ‘your life plan’

I remember vividly at different points where my conscious mind was shouting ‘this is not what I want’, however my intuitive voice would say, ‘but it's what you need’. The intuitive voice - can be like a compassionate Mother, it can guide us to do what we don’t want, for our greater good. Like the tedium of taking my 4 year old daughter to swimming lessons as she protests, knowing the potential joy she may have from wild swimming, or pool parties or doing watersports if she chooses, or simply having the confidence to swim to safety should the need arise. She doesn’t see the bigger picture, the possibilities yet - but I do, I know the effort will be worth it and fruitful. 

What is painful in the moment in the long run will move us towards experiencing greater happiness, fulfilment or achieve extraordinary accomplishments but we just don’t see that yet. The intuitive voice, knows our true potential from a vantage point we don’t have with the conscious mind, so we have to trust and do the groundwork. 

Expansive self

I remember reading in a blog ‘the most common regrets of the dying’ that the number 1 regret was - “I wish I'd had the courage to live a life, true to myself, not the life others expected of me”. It might sound morbid but when faced with a decision that requires courage or a leap of faith or showing my true colours, listening to my intuitive nudges, in my mind I picture myself on that death bed and I ask myself - what would I regret more at that point, taking the risk or not taking the risk? I always smile to myself and think - do it! 

The conscious mind will keep you small to ‘keep you safe’ and keep you in the known. You have free will and that is always honoured. Your views are your choice, the pain you hold onto is your choice, the direction you take is your choice. However your higher self, your guides and source-formlessness are always going to be nudging you towards expansion whether you choose to listen because that’s what you came here to do on earth school as a soul, that’s the adventure, to learn, to grow, to expand. However you have to be willing to follow the calling, to enable you to be true to yourself by listening to the intuitive voice, the whispers of the soul to make decisions that are in your higher interest. 

Further reading 

Strategy vs intuition: the importance of trusting our intuition and being in intuitive flow for our business

Intuitive signs or messages that help you on your soul mission

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Louise - Client Journey


Six ways to get a clearer sense of your intuitive voice