
“If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou

The blight of perfectionism and the garden novice
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

The blight of perfectionism and the garden novice

There is a fear I've had to wrestle with, that in revealing an insecurity or lack of knowledge, that a mask of ‘perfection’ will drop, losing me the respect of friends or colleagues as I will not be seen as strong or be as valuable. But trying to present as though everything is okay all the time, when it's not, is a lonely place to live and can factor into depression and anxiety - as we feel disconnected, unseen, unheard and leave ourselves emotionally stranded, dealing with everything alone.

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Three reasons why ‘average’ teenage years can trigger chronic anxiety, depression and overwhelm
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Three reasons why ‘average’ teenage years can trigger chronic anxiety, depression and overwhelm

Most of us, or those I have encountered, found their teenage years tough going. There are of course exceptions to this but they tend to be more rare. Commonly however, teenage experiences and struggles may have left us feeling; isolated, lonely, unhappy, trapped, depressed, overwhelmed or stressed to some degree. Let's explore the reasons why this is and how EFT can help us heal…

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Client Success Story: Clearing PTSD symptoms and breaking patterns of depression and anxiety
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Client Success Story: Clearing PTSD symptoms and breaking patterns of depression and anxiety

If you are curious to learn more about the client experience and potential results of EFT, Gemma's journey is one that shows you what is possible. Gemma was a client who had one to one EFT sessions with me over a 6 month period and was committed to the healing journey. After the first session, she began to experience positive shifts in mind and body - by the end her PTSD symptoms had cleared. She also experienced a significant reduction and shift in her symptoms of anxiety and depression. I asked her to share some of her experiences of the process with you and these are her words.

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Tapping through Pandemic overwhelm, anxiety and depression
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Tapping through Pandemic overwhelm, anxiety and depression

We have lived through extraordinary times due to the pandemic. We have experienced landslide changes to our lives, which has happened completely outside of our choosing and control and has resulted in long periods with significant uncertainty. Lockdown radically changed our way of life and the pandemic caused life changing decisions for many. It was, and to some degree still is, not possible to make plans that won’t change overnight. These were incredibly triggering conditions for anyone living with anxiety and depression, easily tipping you into points of overwhelm.

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EFT connects to the Emotional body
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

EFT connects to the Emotional body

Your body is intelligent. Your body remembers. Your body is a storehouse of unprocessed memory which is alive in your subconscious mind. The subconscious expresses itself through the body which we can access in EFT sessions…

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3 Layers of Depression and how EFT can help
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

3 Layers of Depression and how EFT can help

Depression is a multi-layered experience. Each layer contributes to your mood and experience of the world with its own origin, quality and intensity. Here are three that you might experience. 1. Early Lack of Connection. 2. Self blame, Shame and Self Hatred. 3. Despair and Hopelessness

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Three Ways Parenting contributes to Anxiety, Depression and Overwhelm
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Three Ways Parenting contributes to Anxiety, Depression and Overwhelm

Being a parent can be a wonderful gift but that doesn’t mean it's not tough or really difficult at times. If you are finding the job of parenting overwhelming you’re not alone. The domestic grind of being a parent can be depressing and anxiety provoking, for both stay at home or return to work mums / dads. It’s easy to feel tired, over-stretched or overwhelmed from the additional demands of parenting.

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Breathwork and Cold Therapy: 'The Wim Hof Method'</a> for anxiety and depression
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Breathwork and Cold Therapy: 'The Wim Hof Method' for anxiety and depression

Do you hate the cold? Me too! So why on earth would you try this therapy during your recovery from anxiety and depression...? Because the health benefits will blow you away and the positive results start immediately.

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