Breathwork and Cold Therapy: 'The Wim Hof Method' for anxiety and depression

Do you hate the cold? Me too! So why on earth would you try this therapy during your recovery from anxiety and depression...? Because the physical and mental health benefits can be incredible and the positive results start immediately.

I first heard about the Wim Hof Method a few years ago when I watched a short documentary about The Ice Man. The film showed how this Dutch athlete, Wim Hof, taught two reporters how to walk up a freezing snowy mountain in their shorts, resisting the cold by using a breathing technique and ‘cold therapy training’. I filed it in my mind as a bit mad, curious, and not relevant to my daily life.

However, what I really didn’t pick up from the documentary was the potential for extraordinary health benefits from this simple, accessible technique. ​

It has 3 Pillars:
1) Breath - a simple breathing technique, in 3 to 4 rounds (10/15mins)
2) Cold - a cold shower (2mins)
3) Commitment - do it every day

I came to it as I was suffering with stress-related inflammation coupled with feeling extremely anxious and overwhelmed. The physical pain was also making me feel very low. During that time - apparently randomly - the Ice Man kept popping into my mind. So, I followed my intuition and looked him up again…

My journey began as I started by signing up for the free mini class which gives you all you need. At first, I couldn't believe how simple and quick it was. Techniques need to be complex, lengthy and challenging to be beneficial, right? Nope! Like he said, I began to feel it immediately.

What benefits has it given me?
The first for me is the HUGE boost of energy caused by the breath work which when you are working with exhaustion or have a small child (!) was a great benefit. I felt like my energy levels increased by at least a third. Then I felt more positive and enlivened, as I had reduced pain - due to reduced inflammation. As the breath work is very strong - it is controlled hyperventilation, it didn’t trigger anxiety for me as some ‘mindful awareness breathing exercises’ have. The breathing was a big stress release for me - and I felt more relaxed afterwards.

In terms of the cold shower, well the shock of the cold water is strangely addictive I found. It wakes you up and makes you feel alive, ready for the day. The shock of the cold also brings you directly into moment, demanding your presence so other anxieties are no longer the focus - they simply can’t be as you have to concentrate! This felt good for dealing with overwhelm. It is also very empowering as you learn to move out of your comfort zone. It helps you to realise what you are capable of, engaging your mind to shift your levels of tolerance and endurance.

It quickly I brought me to wild swimming - as my tolerance for the cold shifted dramatically and I wanted a way to push myself further. I go swimming with my friends and family which has been a wonderful gift to have in my life. Connecting with nature in this way has felt magical at times. I have also noticed improved immunity in the last year. I haven’t caught a cold for example, when normally I might during the winter season, even when my immediate family was pretty unwell.

What is the science - how exactly does the technique work?

  • The Breathing

The breathing and breath-holding takes in additional oxygen, which puts the body into an alkaline state. This then strengthens your immunity as it supports the reduction of inflammation in the body. The breathing also supports stress reduction, rebalances the nervous system and detoxes your body.

  • The Cold

The cold reduces inflammation and also improves immunity. It enhances the body’s own mood boosters, so is a natural mood enhancer and stressbuster. The power of the cold burns fat and increases metabolism. It leads to increased will power, heightened focus and better sleep.

Who would benefit from it specifically?
It can be good for anyone working with:

  • Depression - for mood regulation

  • High stress levels - for stress reduction

  • Low energy levels - to boost energy

  • Chronic pain conditions, such as arthritis - for pain reduction

  • Autoimmune disorders - for higher energy levels

If you are interested to learn more you can read his book, The Wim Hof Method or check out his website or YouTube for lots of free information and videos. I can also recommend The Fundamentals class, an online 10 week course.

Win Hof is a real light of a human being too - extremely positive, enthusiastic and caring. It's infectious. The technique is definitely not just for fit young men who want to be able to climb mountains in shorts! As a mum with a toddler, it is perfect - I can do it all in 15 mins whilst my daughter has a little screen time. It gives me a HUGE boost of energy, it’s empowering, focuses my mind for the day and is so simple. I am definitely a fan. I found it very helpful during my healing process and still practice it today. Why not try it? You never know what benefits it might bring you.

Edited by Dinah John

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