
“If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou

Five ‘Shadow Sides’ of being an Empath
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Five ‘Shadow Sides’ of being an Empath

There is a shadow side that can be unknowingly present beneath the empathic traits of highly sensitive people that might be easy to ignore or go unnoticed. But unless we acknowledge the grey areas or intentions behind typical Empath traits and how our make up as a highly sensitive person impacts our relationships or how we experience the world, we can’t heal the related wounds or work with those behaviours and that’s where the true growth takes place.

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Three reasons why ‘average’ teenage years can trigger chronic anxiety, depression and overwhelm
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Three reasons why ‘average’ teenage years can trigger chronic anxiety, depression and overwhelm

Most of us, or those I have encountered, found their teenage years tough going. There are of course exceptions to this but they tend to be more rare. Commonly however, teenage experiences and struggles may have left us feeling; isolated, lonely, unhappy, trapped, depressed, overwhelmed or stressed to some degree. Let's explore the reasons why this is and how EFT can help us heal…

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Tapping through Pandemic overwhelm, anxiety and depression
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Tapping through Pandemic overwhelm, anxiety and depression

We have lived through extraordinary times due to the pandemic. We have experienced landslide changes to our lives, which has happened completely outside of our choosing and control and has resulted in long periods with significant uncertainty. Lockdown radically changed our way of life and the pandemic caused life changing decisions for many. It was, and to some degree still is, not possible to make plans that won’t change overnight. These were incredibly triggering conditions for anyone living with anxiety and depression, easily tipping you into points of overwhelm.

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Breathwork and Cold Therapy: 'The Wim Hof Method'</a> for anxiety and depression
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Breathwork and Cold Therapy: 'The Wim Hof Method' for anxiety and depression

Do you hate the cold? Me too! So why on earth would you try this therapy during your recovery from anxiety and depression...? Because the health benefits will blow you away and the positive results start immediately.

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