“If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou

Working with Intuitive intelligence in decision making and leaping towards your calling
“Intuition is a powerful thing, more powerful than intellect” Steve Jobs
The thing about decision-making is that in truth we are trying to make an educated guess, making a choice based on the immediate information we have at our disposal as to the best path or course of action, without knowing the events that will unfold ahead. We may be able to look at trends or past results, or likelihoods - which we could apply to health treatment, relationship choices or business i.e. we don’t know which industry, business, product or service thrive or collapse, or which video will go viral…

Six ways to get a clearer sense of your intuitive voice
So how do we get a clearer sense of our intuitive voice? How can we begin to hear it more clearly in our day to day lives? What is going to help us to nurture that knowing voice within us? Well these are some of the answers I have discovered from my own experience…

Higher Self connection and your Soul Mission
In listening to the Higher Self, we are able to uncover our Soul Mission more easily. It becomes destiny for your Higher Self to achieve this both for you and for others, that's why you chose it…

The personality profile of Highly Sensitive People and how (for many) it relates to trauma exposure in childhood
There is a common thread in the clients that I see in terms of the behavioural traits or struggles they encounter as a highly sensitive person (HSP). It is a personality type born out of trauma exposure for many. We will each differ in our personal tendencies however for example I would never label myself as shy and yet that can be a trait of a HSP, yet I have many other highly sensitive personality traits. There is a spectrum of traits, of which we will have some and not others, and also will be affected by some more than others…

Collective shifts in consciousness and your Soul Mission
So what does an individual Soul Mission have to do with supporting the development of collective consciousness currently? This is a question I posed to the archangels and these are the answers I received…

Intuitive messages in symbols and synchronicities
Guest blog: Sebastian Deans, Shiatsu therapist and teacher
What does it mean to connect to the fabric of life and the greater consciousness?
Connection to being a part of Life as it is (as we are) happening in the present moment and interpreting patterns and signs in Life to mean something in us, with how our lives are. Carl Jung called these timely signs ‘Synchronicities’. This is similar to people saying “Life is not happening TO you … it is happening WITH you”... I may even say that it is happening AS you.

Traits of Highly Sensitive People
I remember when I read Elaine Aron's book, a highly sensitive person in my late 20s. It was a real turning point as I realised I was highly sensitive which shed a new light on my life and how it felt for me to live in the world. So in this blog I wanted to share some of the traits of being a highly sensitive person to help you decide if you are one as well…

Am I a highly sensitive person, neurodivergent or do I have trauma symptoms? (Or am I the secret fourth category…)
If you’re anything like me, the question you might be asking yourself, friends or doctors right now might be ‘what’s wrong with me…?’. Perhaps you’re currently trying to understand yourself better, your series of symptoms or the intensity of your experience.
Considering this when learning ‘the labels’ or categorisations can be empowering as they can help you make sense of yourself as well as your reality. It also enables you to know what you are seeking help with, you can find your specialist or develop a support system to manage those needs.
So I'm going to make this very simple for you and start with the answer to the question posed in the title, which is you could be experiencing all three - you might be a highly sensitive person, who is neurodiverse, dealing with trauma symptoms (you may also be the secret 4th category…). I know I was.

My Highly Sensitive Journey
Learning about my highly sensitive nature has been a life's journey for me - although I only learned about the term at 28 years old! It has impacted every area of my life including my mental and emotional wellbeing, my relationships, my personal interests and the work I do. I wanted to share my story with you in case it gives you some insights into your own journey as a highly sensitive person (HSP).

Five stages of the lightbearers path to their Soul mission
The stages on the lightbearers path
As with any journey there are marked stages along the way. Here’s what they are…
Stage One - Awakening
Stage Two - Journey of discovery
Stage three - Actualization.
Stage four - Expansion
Stage Five - Fruition

Why the ‘Soul Psyche’ needs healing
Many of us have experienced talk therapy these days. An experience of unpacking and processing events, relationships as well as our emotional and mental experiences. We gain a new perspective as new layers reveal themselves consciously as we do the work with guidance and someone supporting us. Soul work is similar in its sense of the unpacking layers of experience - revealing emotions, beliefs and traumatic experiences - only through the lens of lifetimes…

Strategy vs intuition: The importance of trusting our intuition and being in intuitive flow for our business
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift” Albert Einstein
For many of us our business is a large part of our personal growth journey and could actually be described as part of our spiritual development as it is a path of service to which we feel called. Some of us even have a Soul Mission to complete - we have come with a particular set of gifts and a mission which will help raise the collective consciousness at this time, but we have to remember it first! (read more). Yet to do this, we have to get out of our own way first and be able to align with a higher purpose or ideas wishing to be created which we can do by listening to our intuitive voice and living more intuitively. But what does it mean to do this?

Why no one else can 'just tell you' your Soul Mission
If you've been wondering if it might be possible to just see a clairvoyant, and for them to tell you exactly what your Soul Mission is, you wouldn't be alone. For myself, there is part of me that wants to just know the answer to save the angst and frustration of my inner teenager, saying ‘oh my gosh, I just want to know now!’.
So it got me thinking, why is it that no one can just tell you? Why do we need to go through what can feel like a laborious process to fall into alignment with our calling in this life? So I asked that question and channelled these answers…

Helen: Client Experience
Nicole’s approach is so very kind and authentic, acknowledging and holding the sorrows, shocks, trauma of events. A wisdom comes through her of what is needed for healing including calling on higher beings and protectors and guides to help clear away the effect of the traumas in this lifetime and past lives. I have a deep gratitude for the timeless and cosmic doorways she opens into my inner worlds. I have a vaster perspective on myself reaching far beyond this lifetime.

Eight ‘Limiting Beliefs’ Highly Sensitive People have about boundaries
It's very common for highly sensitive people (HSP) to struggle with setting reasonable personal boundaries with, well, most people. They can tend to ignore or neglect their needs, over give, feel uncomfortable or deeply guilty saying ‘no’ to people etc. There are a number of common ‘limiting beliefs’ that prevent HSP’s tending to their basic needs at times and here are some of the key one’s I frequently hear…

Why I love my Moonbird and Breathwork as a Highly Sensitive Person - A Review
When Stefanie from Moonbird, reached out and asked me if I would be interested in being an ambassador for Moonbird, I was very excited. Not only had I recently put one on my Wish List, but for the past two weeks I had been hearing my spirit guide team whispering, okay shouting, daily ‘breath!…breath!’. I thought - I am breathing! But I was obviously missing the point. I felt so knocked over the head with the message that I had booked a breathwork session with a coach. So when she emailed, I smiled as it felt like a perfect synchronicity and I thought okay universe, I am listening!

Ways to communicate with your Spirit Guides for support to discover your Soul Mission
Our spirit guides are always with us, even if we're not aware of it consciously. They are eager to make contact with us and communicate, to help guide us in life - but most people will never acknowledge them, or be aware of them, let alone listen, and communicate with them. This is where some of these tools can help you connect with your spirit guides to help you in life or with your Calling.

Four reasons why Highly Sensitive People ‘attract’ narcissists
Spoiler alert, contrary to popular opinion, highly sensitive people do not ‘attract’ narcissists. However, the problem, many highly sensitive people DO have, is they suffer from poor personal boundary setting, which leaves them vulnerable to narcissist abuse and can make them feel like a narcissist magnet.
So why is it that highly sensitive people get sucked into the narcissistic net more than the average person perhaps? Well, these are some of the reasons why…

James Client Journey
Working with Nicole has been different to working with other healing practitioners. There’s an intensity and an authenticity to the sessions and definitely a sense that Nicole is a conduit for something bigger…

Lessons I learnt as a Highly Sensitive Person from friends with badass boundaries
One of my teachers said to me the other day as we were discussing a work issue; ‘Oh well, you don't need to worry about that because you're really good with setting your boundaries’, which made me smile with amused pride and laugh at the irony that once - the opposite was true. As a highly sensitive person, setting healthy boundaries was something I used to really struggle with - but that’s not true anymore.
So it got me thinking, how did I change? Then immediately I thought of my friends who helped to teach me what healthy boundary setting looked like and modelled this for me. Here are some of the gems of teaching moments from three friends with badass boundaries…