
“If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou

8 Books that marked turning points in my perspective as an Intuitive Empath  
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

8 Books that marked turning points in my perspective as an Intuitive Empath  

Like many other people, there have been significant points on my healing journey where I encountered a theory or method which had an impact on my perspective or understanding of my experience. They also influenced my approach to life as well as my healing practice as an Intuitive Empath. I want to share my journey of understanding with you, in case it gives you a springboard to jump from in your own learning and self discovery.

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Five ‘Shadow Sides’ of being an Empath
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Five ‘Shadow Sides’ of being an Empath

There is a shadow side that can be unknowingly present beneath the empathic traits of highly sensitive people that might be easy to ignore or go unnoticed. But unless we acknowledge the grey areas or intentions behind typical Empath traits and how our make up as a highly sensitive person impacts our relationships or how we experience the world, we can’t heal the related wounds or work with those behaviours and that’s where the true growth takes place.

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Fifteen Signs you're an Empath
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Fifteen Signs you're an Empath

Ever wondered if you're an Empath? Maybe it's a term you’ve heard of recently and you're thinking… is that me? Well this article is going to help you decide.

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Eight Reasons Empaths can have late blooming careers
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Eight Reasons Empaths can have late blooming careers

What is it about our journey as Empaths that may cause limitations on the way and make some of us late bloomers in our careers? If you are highly sensitive and experience a frustrated sentiment of not having fulfilled your potential yet, then read on to reflect on why this might be…

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Five Challenges of Motherhood as an Empath
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Five Challenges of Motherhood as an Empath

Motherhood is a demanding and transformative journey for most but as an Empath some of these challenges may feel amplified due to your highly sensitive nature. Alongside that, our unhelpful tendencies as an empath can rear up clashing with the requirements of our role as a Mother. Here are a few issues you might encounter: 1 Isolation due to overwhelm. 2 Low tolerance of intensity. 3 Lack of space, time and energy. 4 Parenting triggering unhealed wounds. 5 New role revealing family dynamics. Read more…

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Six Overwhelm Triggers for Highly Sensitive People
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Six Overwhelm Triggers for Highly Sensitive People

For sensitive souls, feeling overwhelmed can be a continual or reoccurring problem. One of the drawbacks of the blessing of being highly sensitive is that the world can feel intense and overwhelming at times, even in ‘mundane’ situations when those around you are just fine.

The beauty however is that once we start to understand and acknowledge our sensitive nature we can begin to make shifts that support and nourish us more deeply rather than deplete us. So here are some classic overwhelm trigger's for Empaths and what you can do in response to support yourself.

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