
“If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou

Spiritual development and shifts in your level of consciousness 
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Spiritual development and shifts in your level of consciousness 

If you are on a path of spiritual development and / or are a lightbearer with a soul mission - experiencing shifts in your consciousness will most likely be part of the process.  This experience isn’t always comfortable or easy as it is happening and for different reasons; however it is a necessary part of our growth and evolution. 

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What is a Light bearer with a Soul Mission? How do I know if I am one?
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

What is a Light bearer with a Soul Mission? How do I know if I am one?

So maybe you feel that there is something you're meant to be doing - a purpose or role you are meant to fulfill, but you don't know what or how… it all feels very strange and mysterious, yet this feeling keeps nagging at you!  Well perhaps you are a Light bearer with a Soul Mission in this lifetime, which is calling you to action. But what on earth does that mean?! 

Well here is a Channelled message from Archangel Nathaniel - Archangel of life purpose, manifestation and transformation on the subject . (He stepped forward to communicate on this  subject as I began to ask questions).… 

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How to discover your Soul Mission: It’s the journey not the destination
soul mission Nicole Drummond soul mission Nicole Drummond

How to discover your Soul Mission: It’s the journey not the destination

What happens for my clients (and myself included!), is that when it comes to uncovering our Soul Mission or our Calling we all too often get stuck on trying to  leap to figure out ‘the end point’. Of course it makes logical sense because you want to know what you’re aiming for to reach that point, right? So we keep asking, is it this job or career? Is it this training? Should I teach this subject? And so on. But this is where we are missing the point completely…

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How it Feels to Start Awakening to your Soul Mission
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

How it Feels to Start Awakening to your Soul Mission

Many of us have come to earth as ‘light bearers’ in the world with a mission to support the evolution of human consciousness at this time. You are a soul with a mission and have a role to play, be that great or ‘small’. However as you transition into a new body, you forget on a conscious level all what has gone before… but the soul remembers.

Yet there comes a time when we begin to ‘wake up’, our soul and our guides begin to remind us - you came here with a purpose. The torch of your Calling activates and burns brightly - it becomes hard to ignore. So what does this awakening to our Calling (soul mission) feel like?

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