Soul Purpose: Is every Soul a lightbearer with a ‘Soul Mission’?
“Lightbearer - the bringer of light to the world”
Ever wondered if you have a soul mission? Something you are meant to be doing? Well different philosophies and religions will take different views on that - however I won’t go down that track just now...
What is a lightbearer with a Soul Mission?
Lightbearers have come to earth with a soul mission to help humanity - you have been seeded with a job to do. To be of service in your unique way, be that humble or ambitious, to support the paradigm shift of the collective consciousness that is happening on the earth right now. You have made a soul agreement. Not every soul is a lightbearer.
Lightbearers bring light wisdom, love, hope and transformation during this time of change and crisis. Some of you are souls from different star systems - an inter-planetary soul, some are angel souls, some are earth based souls, but we are all spiritual beings having a human experience here to help and support humanity at this time. The torch of your Calling is lit, it is time to look for and follow the light.
How can I tell if you’re a lightbearer?
When a person is a lightbearer with a mission, I get ‘informed’. There is often a sense of urgency and excitement from your guides for you to listen, and start to take further action - even if that is to do the healing work, messages they want to pass on, and so on.
Secondly when you are a Lightbearer, I can feel and see that you have a burning torch in your heart. This is the information that you are to give to the collective, this is the way that you will work in the world to help others. It's an energetic imprint within you that ‘wakes up’ or activates at the appropriate time.
You don't need me to tell you, however, if you're not sure whether you are or not. You can speak to your guides or higher self yourself and pose this question to them to find the answer. Personally, from a very young age, I had the sense that ‘there was something I was meant to be doing…’ yet I wasn’t sure what or I couldn’t remember - it felt infuriating! However it haunted me, sending me on a seekers journey.
So what if you’re not a light bearer, do you have no mission?
If you're not a lightbearer, it doesn't mean that you don’t have a great deal of purpose or important work to do - contracts to fulfill, lessons to learn, or ways you will help others - it’s just not a particular job you signed up for, probably for good reason. Think of it as a project at work, it’s a team assignment some are working on but you have your own job to do!
So what is your soul mission if you’re not a lightbearer?
We have all come here to learn, to evolve and grow. We are all a work in progress! You have personal soul work to do as an evolving consciousness - we all do. Here is some of what you might be working on…
Clearing and releasing ‘karma’
As a soul, the experiences from your other lifetimes will have left an imprint. This then becomes the marked themes you have to deal with in your life - your deepest personal myths, strongest traits of your being that feels greater and stronger than your experience of childhood can explain - greatest fears or wounding, biggest triggers. I have worked with clients who, very specifically, have come here in this lifetime to clear negative past life karma - which very much still affects their emotional reactions, perceptions, momentum and relationship dynamics today. Some illustrations are…
Feeling unsafe to love but longing to connect and love affecting all your relationships
Feeling lost, alone and chronically stuck, unable to get traction with meaningful projects or answers
Depressed, useless or hopeless and cut off from life, love and the universe
And so on, many more examples
If you are like me, when we hear the word ‘karma’, we think of something that is immovable or unfixable. What I have learnt in my work, however, is that, with help from a therapist, your higher self and the universe (!), we can choose to release and let go of much of what we have accumulated - I am yet to experience a limit.
Karma to me is often holding on to emotional baggage, or beliefs that kept us safe at the time but now leave us stuck. They mount to create a sense of self or separateness - rather than ‘a punishment’; although this can be part of the process, from which we can be absolved and released. As we begin to let it go through free will and conscious awareness we move into states of open awareness, bliss, love, ease and oneness. Certain religious practices do a similar process, and would call it ‘purification’ of karma, burning away this energy to return to your original state.
Kinds of karma
There are different kinds of karma accumulation that the soul might want to clear:
Personal - traumatic death processing, traumatic or significant experiences (loss, abandonment and so on), accumulated emotional energy over lifetimes (such as grief and so on), archetypal wounds - see below for more
Ancestral - some of us carry more ancestral karma than others, or due to our sensitivity are more aware of it. We become a vessel of unprocessed ancestral trauma, emotions and so on which can be released.
Relational - contracts, vows and cords with others. See below
Trauma unprocessed collective - some clients I have worked with have agreed to clear the karma or trauma of a collective people in this lifetime, which can even be from a different world system we no longer live in but were once connected too
Black magic - being involved in black magic or even around it in a life time can leave strong or weighty karmic imprints. Usually when this is released archangels are present to help with this work.
Lives ‘working for dark forces’ - there is a light and dark in this world I have discovered in this work. As we have experimented as a soul, we may have worked for ‘darker forces’ and these agreements need to be released to move into the light.
Just to give you some examples of this work I will describe a couple of examples for you.
Accumulated emotional energy - I see these as ‘Energy parcels’ or balls that remain in the body, accumulated from different lifetimes - a heap of grief from 100 different lifetimes for example that are stuck in the chest, ready to clear - with ‘stings’ attaching them to the other lifetimes of experience they are linked to. The weight and intensity of the emotion often feels far greater now.
Archetypal wounds - echoes of similar experiences that speak to current experiences or draw you into similar situations now. For example - being a tribal leader in one lifetime with the mounting pressure of the collective needing your time and energy, which may mirror your current situation as a manager, this then intensifies the issue as it touches an old wound. Or the thought of being visible in your business is so triggered - feeling life threatening even, however you learn you have been persecuted as a healer for 60 lifetimes and experienced witch trials - where being seen was not safe, this reaction then makes sense.
Relational soul work
With relationships - be that family, friendships, partners, often it’s not the first time we have known them. Therefore there can be agreements, vows or contracts in place. Your emotional reactivity or dynamic with someone might have nothing to do with this lifetime, but is due to knowing them in the past.
Love or hate at first sight. A strong and immediate response to meeting someone isn’t just chemical! It’s because you have loved or hated (!) them before.
Instant connections - I have certain friendships, where we click immediately. One friend I first spotted across a field and immediately thought, we are going to be really good friends, but we hadn’t spoken yet. However my soul remembered her.
Dynamics - there is someone you know who you just do not trust and yet nothing has happened between you in this life. However in 15 other life times they betrayed you - the soul remembers. This might then affect family dynamics, or working relationships and so on
Therefore some of the karmic work can be in connection to our relationships with others. You may be here as:
In this lifetime you have contractual obligations that you created from a previous life, sometimes with people that keep you bonded to them - that you want to release
You need to release vows or curses (negative beliefs) that you created in another lifetime which affect your perception, experience of reality and your relationships - i.e. I vow to be powerless, or subservient, to be in poverty and so on.
You may have complex karma with individuals that keep you reactive, triggered and connected that you are ready to heal and clear - so as a soul you are here to sort that out. To create greater harmony - even if that means being able to separate peacefully and harmoniously, not to continue being entangled.
Lessons and evolution
We are all here learning and evolving as souls. Some of us are young souls, some old, some interplanetary, some angelic souls. Our lifetimes of experiences will be different as are our responses. Like magnetic north - we are all pulled towards our highest potential, to lessen the sense of ‘self’, expanding into loving states and into connection with others as well as the universe.
Out of our conditions and experiences of life, we have wounding to work on and false perceptions and so on that we need to release to come back into alignment. This is soul work. Your consciousness is evolving lifetime, after life time. In this life you might have baggage to let go of to help you to leap forward.
This might be due partly as you live in the age of aquarius where collectively there is a shift in consciousness, as we elevate to higher states of mind - living more intuitively, opening to higher awareness and love. You might feel pulled to do soul work for this reason or simply as it is the next stage for you.
Soul purpose
So as you can see - every soul is here with a purpose, to evolve. Part of that purpose can be to release karma to enable this to happen. In addition to this, certain souls are Lightbearers, working on a collaborative project to support the raising of consciousness of the collective. If that’s not you, simply working on yourself and raising your awareness and level of consciousness will be supporting this collective effort and it is noble work. You might just have enough on your plate to work with, without additional soul homework! We can each lead meaningful and purposeful lives.
Further reading
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