
“If you're always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” Maya Angelou

Why motherhood can trigger a healing crisis and become an initiation into authentic power for Highly Sensitive women  
Nicole Drummond Nicole Drummond

Why motherhood can trigger a healing crisis and become an initiation into authentic power for Highly Sensitive women  

What no one tells you before you become a Mother is that you are embarking on a heroine's journey of transformation. From conception your psyche enters a ‘death and rebirth process’, as your body is transformed in pregnancy (and post), your old life dies overnight after the birth, your routine is remodelled, your responsibilities radically shift, your availability, energy and capacity profoundly alter…as do you. This process becomes an initiation into a new life that requires you to change your way of being to meet your new demands as a highly sensitive Mother and survive your new world which can bring about both a healing crisis and an intense evaluation of our relationships.

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