Opening to your Intuition - free workshop 

Opening to your Intuition - free workshop 

Your intuitive voice is your greatest ally and a sacred gift. It is the soul's inner compass and channels the voice of guidance from your higher self, your spirit guides, inner crone (as a woman), universal love. Thereby giving you access to transcendental knowledge, guidance and knowing, far beyond the limitations of the conscious mind.

Yet many of us struggle to make intuitive decisions or to hear our intuitive voice at all. So how do we open up to our intuition and what benefits might it bring?

I am running a workshop on opening up to your intuition and during this session we will cover:

  • What the biggest blocks are to confidently connecting to your intuition

  • What your intuitive voice may feel like for you

  • What magic doors can open for you when you learn to listen to your intuitive voice and live in intuitive flow

  • What the benefits are of developing your intuition as a wellbeing professional (coaches, healers, therapists), highly sensitive and souls with a mission.

It will be an opportunity to ask me questions and be part of a supportive community of fellow fledgling intuitives…

FREE online workshop. Simply sign up to book.

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Intuitive Development Training - In Person
to Nov 24

Intuitive Development Training - In Person

Save the date. More detailed information to come.

Supporting you to confidently trust and connect with your intuition. Helping you to learn how to receive intuitive guidance and live intuitively to expand into your greatest potential by training your intuitive skills.

Who this could be for:

  • Highly sensitives and empaths wanting to develop and trust the information they pick up through their sensitivity

  • Souls with a mission trying to uncover and follow their calling by connecting with their guidance and living intuitively

  • Soulful entrepreneurs wanting to enhance their decision making and planning with intuitive development

  • Healers, counsellors, therapists wanting to expand their skill set and increase their impact with clients with increased intuitive awareness

To stay in touch and/or to find out more you can join my e-letter mailing list or contact me to be informed when I release more information on the training.

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Intuitive Business Workshop - Feel Good Network

Intuitive Business Workshop - Feel Good Network

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary”. Steve jobs

For soulful entrepreneurs their business is usually an expression of their calling and it's the voice of our intuition that leads us to it in the first place! So how can our intuitive voice support our business further and aid success? In this workshop we will explore:

  • How we can use our intuition to guide our business day to day

  • How we can balance strategy and listening to our intuitive voice

  • What doors can open in our business by following our intuitive voice

This event is hosted by Feel Good Norfolk. Get in touch with Sarah to book.

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Waking up to your Soul Mission - Free Workshop

Waking up to your Soul Mission - Free Workshop

You’re in the world of the everyday but something in you is stirring… this feeling that you have a mission to fulfill or a Calling - but what that is still feels unclear and you don’t know what to do about it. You’re not really sure what is happening to you yet this intuitive feeling to make changes is getting louder, you sense you’re shifting internally and ‘something’ is waking up within you don’t really know what is going on or what to do to next…

Come and join us for the free intro workshop as we dive into:

  • What is a light bearer with a soul mission?

  • What it can feel like to be ‘waking up’ to your Calling as a Light bearer, how you might be feeling

  • What it means to be a light bearer in the world at this time with a soul mission and why the world needs you

  • How developing the gifts of intuitive living will support you to uncover your role and fulfil your purpose

FREE online workshop. Simply sign up to book.

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The Intuitive Superpowers of highly sensitive people - Free Workshop

The Intuitive Superpowers of highly sensitive people - Free Workshop

As a highly sensitive person you are a naturally gifted receiver of subtle information. In this session you will learn what your potential sensitivity superpowers are as a HSP and the enormous benefits of beginning to use them; increased confidence, enhanced awareness and access to intuitive guidance - to name a few.

In the workshop we will cover:

  • Why being highly sensitive gives you intuitive abilities

  • Fears of opening your sensitivity to the subtle world

  • Sensitivity skills you can train as a HSP to develop your intuition

  • The gifts of intuitive living

FREE online workshop. Simply sign up to book!

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Why you struggle with boundaries as a highly sensitive person - Free Workshop

Why you struggle with boundaries as a highly sensitive person - Free Workshop

Have you ever wondered why setting healthy boundaries is such a struggle for you as a Highly Sensitive Person? (HSP’s). Maybe you…

In the workshop we will explore

  • What are personal boundaries?

  • Why your sensitivity impacts your ability to set personal boundaries

  • How your childhood experiences might influence your relationship with boundary setting

  • Signs you're struggling to create healthy boundaries

  • Why healthy boundaries are important

  • How to starting to make changes

  • Have an opportunity to ask me questions, hear the stories and experiences of others, having the opportunity to connect to a supportive group of fellow HSP’s

FREE online workshop. Simply sign up to book!

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Signs you're Highly Sensitive - free workshop

Signs you're Highly Sensitive - free workshop

Join us to learn more about what it means to be Highly Sensitive to understand how this might be impacting your work, relationships and life. Learn about what gifts it also brings you.

  • Learn key traits of being highly sensitive, the challenges and gifts

  • Talking about the struggles that frequently limit HSPs (i.e. struggles with boundaries, anxiety triggers and so on)

  • Opportunity to ask me questions

  • Be part of a supportive community with fellow HSP’s

FREE online workshop. Simply sign up to book!

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