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Intuitive Development Training - In Person

10 - 4pm, 23/24 Nov

Save the date. More detailed information to come. £220 for the weekend.

Supporting you to confidently trust and connect with your intuition.  Helping you to learn how to receive intuitive guidance and live intuitively to expand into your greatest potential by training your intuitive skills.

Who this could be for:

  • Highly sensitives and empaths wanting to develop and trust the information they pick up through their sensitivity 

  • Souls with a mission trying to uncover and follow their calling by connecting with their guidance and living intuitively 

  • Soulful entrepreneurs wanting to enhance their decision making and planning with intuitive  development  

  • Healers, counsellors, therapists wanting to expand their skill set and increase their impact with clients with increased intuitive awareness

To stay in touch and/or to find out more you can join my e-letter mailing list or contact me to be informed when I release more information on the training.

October 16

Opening to your Intuition - free workshop