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Intuitive Business Workshop - Feel Good Network

10 - 11am Friday 12th July

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary”. Steve jobs 

For soulful entrepreneurs their business is usually an expression of their calling and it's the voice of our intuition that leads us to it in the first place!  So how can our intuitive voice support our business further and aid success?  In this workshop we will explore: 

  • How we can use our intuition to guide our business day to day 

  • How we can balance strategy and listening to our intuitive voice 

  • What doors can open in our business by following our intuitive voice

This event is hosted by Feel Good Norfolk.  Get in touch with Sarah to book.

June 19

Waking up to your Soul Mission - Free Workshop

October 16

Opening to your Intuition - free workshop