Future Courses

This is a dates for your diary page! I am in the middle of birthing these courses - working on creating and launching one at a time. As a solopreneur-mama, seeing clients - I am channelling the training the universe is sending my way as quickly as time will allow. I may not have all the details yet, however I have booked the rooms! So I wanted to give you the dates so you can plan. You can get on my e-letter to stay in touch with when the information goes live.


Intuitive Training level 2

16th - 18th May

Wellbeing Centre, Norwich

In person course, £660 / £600

This training is open to people who complete the Intuitive Training level 1 in only. We will be exploring connecting to our guides, nature and the universe. Please see Intuitive Training Foundations.

Soul Mission Training online

I may be offering an online version of the Soul Mission Training in May 2025, potentially for international clients and those further a field. It might be more like to be happening later in 2025 I suspect or 2026. I will know closer to the time. If you are interested and want to be keep in the loop just contact me.


Intuitive Training Foundations

Looking for a venue. Autumn training.

In person training, Norwich

Learn more about Intuitive Training Foundations

Get in touch to get on the waiting list, contact me.